Taylor Swift Curly Vs Straight Hair Styles
When we're talking about hairstyles trendsetter, Taylor swift is one of the most favorite celebrity to copy. Blond ,curly, and healthy look which is her trademark, really great on her..yet sometimes she wear some girly hair accessory. Well.... actually she's really cute on every hairstyle..and she know how to make her hair not boring ..tsraight, sleek hair looks gorgeous on her..
The award winning 20-year-old Taylor Swift never fails to surprise her fans either by her new songs or fashionable cute looks. Recently, she just created a buzz during the CMT Music Awards 2010 not by winning another award but by appearing like a doll in her straight-blonde hair. Completing the stunning look, she was dressed in a burgundy Galliano dress.
Taylor Swift indeed looks young, feminine and very pretty in her curls. Her natural hair just enhances the beautiful features of her face which brought many fans to admire not just her voice but her beauty. Shifting into a straight hair does create amazement to people but maintaining that look for a longer period of time erases her sweet look and she will just become one of the common faces. Swift is better off with her curly locks.

Taylor Swift Curly Vs Straight
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